On September 21, 2022, at 12:00 PM, a laboratory visit will be conducted at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food, Natural Resources, and Engineering (DAFNE) - University of Foggia, Via Napoli No. 25, Foggia, involved in the research activities of the SODOSOST project "Optimization of no-till wheat seeding practices to improve the sustainability of Puglia's cereal farming", funded under the PSR Puglia 2014-2020 - SM 16.2 "Support for pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes, and technologies", for an amount of €460,700.00.
The visit titled "Microbiological Analysis of Soil" will be conducted by Prof. Antonio Bevilacqua (of the University of Foggia, Department DAFNE) at the Predictive Microbiology Laboratory.
The project partners constitute an Operational Group of the PEI AGRI, a cooperation model based on the "interactive innovation model" involving collaboration among various actors to make the best use of complementary types of knowledge, whose main objective is the co-creation and dissemination of solutions and opportunities ready to be implemented in practice.
The Operational Group consists of authoritative partners, including: Rural Cooperative Sub-Appenino Dauno r.l., Regional Agri-Food District (D.A.Re. scrl), Agricultural Company Gerardo Campanella, Cassandro Unipersonale Srl, CIA Puglia, Aretè srl, University of Foggia.