On February 10, 2022, at 3:30 PM, the second training day of the SODOSOST project will take place, funded under the PSR Puglia 2014-2020 - SM 16.2 "Support for pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes, and technologies," for an amount of €460,700.00.
The activity is coordinated by the DAFNE Department (University of Foggia partner of the project), which annually activates Paths for Transversal Skills and Guidance (PCTO) for high school students in their final three years. The paths have a total duration of 25 hours including activities with university professors, the completion of a project work, and a final restitution meeting, guaranteeing the acquisition of 1 university CFU "in advance" to students who attend all the lessons. The event, which will be held on the Zoom platform, will be open to a group of up to 60 students from two high schools in the province of Foggia: the "A. Einstein" Scientific High School in Cerignola and the "Aldo Moro" I.I.S.S. in Margherita di Savoia. The speaker, Ms. Angela Racioppo, will hold the webinar entitled "Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria."
The project aims to contribute to a greater dissemination of conservation agriculture practices (no-tillage seeding) for durum wheat in the regional territory, improving the economic, environmental sustainability, and food security of production through technical means and innovative crop techniques, optimizing the use of eco-sustainable strategies during field and post-harvest phases.
This commitment will be carried out by the entire G.O. (Operational Group) of the project, which will focus in particular on characterizing the technological, nutritional, and health quality of durum wheat, improving the efficiency of nutrient use N and P (NUE, PUE) through the use of biofertilizers to reduce fertilizer use, and identifying and implementing innovative practices for sustainable defense through the experimentation and validation of alternative and sustainable formulations with fungicidal action.
The project partners constitute an Operational Group of the PEI AGRI, a cooperation model based on the "interactive innovation model" that involves collaboration among various actors to best use complementary types of knowledge, whose main objective is the co-creation and dissemination of solutions and opportunities ready to be implemented in practice.
The G.O. is composed of reputable partners, such as: Cooperativa Rurale Sub-Appenino Dauno a r.l., Distretto Agroalimentare Regionale (D.A.Re. scrl), Azienda Agricola Gerardo Campanella, Cassandro Unipersonale Srl, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Puglia, Aretè srl, and Università degli Studi di Foggia.